SPRING/BREAK Art Show 2024
Los Angeles | February 27 - March 3, 2024
Featured Artists:Yongjae Kim | Jon MacGregor | Jean Guerley-Pétion | Lily Prince | Alberto Alejandro Rodriguez"Voices and Visions” weaves everyday experiences of interiority and exteriority into unfamiliar patterns. The exhibition alludes to the staggered flows of modern life, the dailiness of life on a grid, but stops just short of regimented reality. The shapeliness of articles of clothing becomes suffused with covert narratives; a sink softly fissures into a transgressive object; and the monolithic surfaces of buildings are earmarked by a sense of melancholic possibility.
Jon MacGregor
Daisy Pusher , 2024"Daisy pusher is about the moment in life, between life and death, where we exist life a flower picked from the root. Once we are born ill wilting process begins. Taken inspiration after Manet and art history."
Jon MacGregor’s lushly sculptured oil paintings handled with Renaissance-level skill portray such ordinary objects as shirts, door latches, washbasins, and curtains; two of them center painstakingly depicted broken eggs. The framing of the subjects is often disjointed or askew; when combined with the precise, glowing facture, the result is mysterious and mesmerizing.
Lily Prince
Desert Candy, 2023"One of my favorite places on the planet to draw en plein air is the Sonoran Desert in Arizona with its imposing Saguaro cacti. They seem frozen in time, almost human—quiet and still but forever watchful. They, and all the desert’s flora, seem pleasing in their unusual beauty, lolling us into a sweet complacency. But this landscape is imbued with a fierceness that at any moment could strike."
What makes Lily Prince’s work significant is not only her choice of colors, but the way in which she abstracts from illusionistic space, preserving only the essential character of a landscape. Those two perspectival restrictions—figure and ground—which representational artists cling to, are lucidly eschewed in Prince's work. This doesn’t make her work any less observational; rather, it enriches the tradition of en plein air painting to include unfamiliar elements.
Alberto A. Rodriguez
Auriga (2nd version, Havana), 2021Using ruined architectures as a backdrop, Alberto Alejandro Rodríguez constructs liminal spaces suggestive of abandoned spaces, entrances leading nowhere. In an effort to articulate how the vestiges of human effort that earmark such spaces can align with polarizing feelings of rootlessness and nostalgia, Rodríguez underscores the political narratives that are encrusted onto the surfaces of these sites. These narratives are written in a cipher of wood and iron, swaths of torn-up wallpaper. But it’s only through the process of destruction, as it gradually reveals foundations which would normally be kept hidden, that the true cornerstones of our society can come to light. -
SPRING/BREAK Los Angeles 2024
Past viewing_room