Destruktion III (D), detail
Alberto A. Rodriguez
The concept of “Destruktion” does not simply refer to destruction in its literal sense of demolition or disappearance. For Heidegger, this concept entails a process of dismantling or unveiling aimed at revealing the fundamental and authentic structure of things. In this context, it is understood that every concept, object, or subject harbors deconstructible metaphysical components.
The work titled “Destruktion III” consists of a series of seven pieces depicting the interior of a room, a space in ruins captured from various perspectives and in a fragmented manner. This piece seeks to explore fundamental notions such as time, space, ruin, destruction, and memory. Upon close inspection, it reveals subtle variations in the representation of space, inviting the viewer to explore a new perspective on how modern ruin is presented in society.
It’s noteworthy that each piece was constructed using materials taken from the very space the work references. This approach not only adds an additional layer of meaning to the work but also raises questions about the interconnection between the materiality of the artwork and the reality it represents. Ultimately, “Destruktion III” aims to challenge established conventions and encourage a profound reflection on the ephemeral and ever-changing nature of our perception of the environment and collective memory.